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2 West Hills Tutor Jobs Found
Taylor T
West Hills, California
Active over a week ago
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2 boys Looking for Montessori tutor/homeschool teacher
We are looking for a Montessori accredited/certified teacher to come teach a 1st grade student and 2nd grade student. Both boys come from Mo...
We are looking for a Montessori accredited/certified teacher to come teach a 1st grade student and 2nd grade student. Both boys come from Montessori, but unfortunately their teacher from their previous school is moving out of state and there are no other Montessori Elementary schools local.
Lusine G
West Hills, California
Active over a week ago
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EPPP Tutor for Post Doctorate Student
I am in need of a tutor who can study with me in my home, motivate me, and encourage me to take my Board of Psychology exam called the EPPP....
I am in need of a tutor who can study with me in my home, motivate me, and encourage me to take my Board of Psychology exam called the EPPP. I need someone who has passed the EPPP exam, preferably someone who has passed recently (due to DSM V changes). I live in West Hills, and am looking for someone to come to my home a couple of times a week. I will pay $100 per hour for the...
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