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2 Yuma Tutor Jobs Found
Kayla R
Yuma, Arizona
Active over a week ago
I am a high school senior looking to improve my ACT score
I will be taking the ACT on December 14. I am looking to improve my over all score of a 25, but more specifically in math (and if possible,...
I will be taking the ACT on December 14. I am looking to improve my over all score of a 25, but more specifically in math (and if possible, science). I would like to hire some one who has tutored for the ACT in the past, and has experience with teaching/ tutoring in math.
Luz H
Yuma, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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My son needs a tutor for the Act test
Son needs a 31 for ACT to go to selected college. I'm looking for some one that has knowledge to teach my son to take the act test by pre...
Son needs a 31 for ACT to go to selected college. I'm looking for some one that has knowledge to teach my son to take the act test by preparing him over all the questions and explained him what he does not understand. He gets very stress about it.
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