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2 Alamo Tutors Found
Angela G
Alamo, California
Active over a week ago
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Special needs tutor all subject areas
Hi! I am angela a certified special needs teacher.
My goal for tutoring is to help your child see growth and succeed in all areas needed. A...
Hi! I am angela a certified special needs teacher.
My goal for tutoring is to help your child see growth and succeed in all areas needed. As a special needs teacher I am qualified to differentiate my lessons to fit your child's specific needs.
Every one has their weaknesses but my goal is to show growth in areas of need and to have their strengths shine.
Cynthia A
Alamo, California
Active over a week ago
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Patient, Structured, Experienced & Holistic Minded Tutor; specialty in Special Needs & Math
Hello, my name is Cynthia. My Credentials: I hold a California State Emergency Teaching Permit, A CBEST (California Basic Education Standar...
Hello, my name is Cynthia. My Credentials: I hold a California State Emergency Teaching Permit, A CBEST (California Basic Education Standards) Certificate, and Bachelor of Science in Organizational Behavior from University of San Francisco. Experience: I am a substitute teacher for multiple school districts (predominantly specializing in Special Needs classrooms), I am natur...
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