Hire a Tutor in Lincolnshire, Illinois
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2 Lincolnshire Tutors Found
John Z
Lincolnshire, Illinois
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Math Tutor
I am a math teacher and tutor. I have 20 years of teaching experience. I also have a master's degree in math. I tutor all grades from 3rd g...
I am a math teacher and tutor. I have 20 years of teaching experience. I also have a master's degree in math. I tutor all grades from 3rd grade through college level. Please email me at ...@gmail.com if you are interested.
Leo C
Lincolnshire, Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 20.00/hour
1 years exp.
Comprehensive Tutoring For Middle And Highschoolers
Offering tutoring and single lesson help for math, science, and writing.
I am currently a junior in high school taking AP and honors level...
Offering tutoring and single lesson help for math, science, and writing.
I am currently a junior in high school taking AP and honors level courses.
Offering comprehensive tutoring in:
-Algebra 1
-Algebra 2
-Argumentative writing
-Narrative writing
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