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4 Malton Tutors Found
Jaspreet B
Malton, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Excellent tutor for Physics and junior classes all subject
MSc Physics with M Phil. Have teaching experience in colleges. Good interpersonal skills. Have good knowledge of subject with in depth under...
MSc Physics with M Phil. Have teaching experience in colleges. Good interpersonal skills. Have good knowledge of subject with in depth understanding of various areas. Able to prioritize important academic topics to be focused for good grade.
Dahlia M
Malton, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Where there is a will there is an "A"
Math, reading and study skills are the basic fundamentals needed in any field of work. Without a good grasp of these concepts it will be dif...
Math, reading and study skills are the basic fundamentals needed in any field of work. Without a good grasp of these concepts it will be difficult to achieve your goals and dreams.
Jonathan H
Malton, Ontario
Active over a week ago
From 14.00/hour
Offering tutoring with math, science, english and more for elementary and middle school students!
Looking for any student from grade 1 - 6 who are in need of academic assistance. I am able to meet up with students at their homes, or at a...
Looking for any student from grade 1 - 6 who are in need of academic assistance. I am able to meet up with students at their homes, or at a local community center or library. Prices are negotiable!
Sudarshan D
Malton, Ontario
Active over a week ago
From 10.00/hour
All subjects teacher for middle and high school
A hard working, dedicated professional with lots of teaching experience. Being an International Medical Graduate, specialise in science (bio...
A hard working, dedicated professional with lots of teaching experience. Being an International Medical Graduate, specialise in science (biology, physics, chemistry) and maths. However, having an 8.5 bands is IELTS makes me that much apt in teaching english and other subject as well. Command in hindi and bengali as well.
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