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2 Puslinch Tutors Found
Ham H
Puslinch, Ontario
Active over a week ago
From 16.55/hour
Experienced Puslinch Tutor Offering Affordable $16.55/Hour Sessions
Greetings, dear learners! I am Ham, a knowledgeable and enthusiastic tutor based in Puslinch, Ontario. With a passion for teaching and a str...
Greetings, dear learners! I am Ham, a knowledgeable and enthusiastic tutor based in Puslinch, Ontario. With a passion for teaching and a strong background in mathematics and science, I am here to guide and support students in their academic journey. Whether it's algebra, calculus, physics, or chemistry, I am well-equipped to help you grasp the core concepts and excel in these s...
Komalpreet N
Puslinch, Ontario
Active over a week ago
From 16.55/hour
Tutor Available in Puslinch, ON $16.55/hr Experienced, Reliable and Quality Service
Hi, my name is Komalpreet and I'm a tutor located in Puslinch, Ontario. I specialize in teaching Math, Reading, and Science. I have been tea...
Hi, my name is Komalpreet and I'm a tutor located in Puslinch, Ontario. I specialize in teaching Math, Reading, and Science. I have been teaching for over 3 years and have developed various techniques to help my students excel. My lessons are tailored to each student's needs and I always strive to make learning fun and engaging. I charge $16.55 an hour and am available for both...
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