Hire a Tutor in Rancho Santa Fe, California
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3 Rancho Santa Fe Tutors Found
Adam E
Rancho Santa Fe, California
Active over a week ago
From 40.00/hour
7 years exp.
Experienced ACT/SAT Tutor - Let's get you into your dream school!
Thanks for taking a look. I hope this finds you well. I am an ACT and SAT tutor of seven years (three years online), in addition t...
Thanks for taking a look. I hope this finds you well. I am an ACT and SAT tutor of seven years (three years online), in addition to being a brother, amateur stand-up comedian, and writer. I graduated magna laude from Boston College with a B.A. in Secondary Education and English. I taught as a high school English teacher before continuing my education at Boston Colleg...
Andrew F
Rancho Santa Fe, California
Active over a week ago
From 70.00/hour
10 years exp.
Chemistry / Physics / Biology
Come to your house....Tutor in your home.
Classes I can Teach/Tutor:
- General Chemistry
- Honors Chemistry
- AP Chemistry
- General...
Come to your house....Tutor in your home.
Classes I can Teach/Tutor:
- General Chemistry
- Honors Chemistry
- AP Chemistry
- General Physics
- Honors Physics
- AP Physics (1 and 2)
- General Biology
- Honors Biology
- AP Biology
- AP Environmental Science
- Punctual
- Patient
- Passionate
- Hard Working
- Easy to work with
Kimberly T
Rancho Santa Fe, California
Active over a week ago
Contact for rates
Having taught fourth grade, fifth grade and special education in public schools, I am now working pricately as a tutor. All subjects throug...
Having taught fourth grade, fifth grade and special education in public schools, I am now working pricately as a tutor. All subjects through grade 8. (High school English, history, and ESL only.)
My students learn to have fun learning!!
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