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2 Brockville Tutor Jobs Found
Elle S
Brockville, Ontario
Active over a week ago
Looking For French Tutor For My 7 Year Old Son
need someone to start from beginners up to grade 2 in french language which includes reading writing and speaking
need someone to start from beginners up to grade 2 in french language which includes reading writing and speaking
Arn B
Brockville, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Need a French tutor for my grade 4 daughter
My daughter will be moving to Brockville this June. She has had no French and will be entering into grade 4. Since the Brockville schools st...
My daughter will be moving to Brockville this June. She has had no French and will be entering into grade 4. Since the Brockville schools start French in K, she will need to catch up 4 years of French. Once teacher in Brockville listed French as a subject. Please HELP!
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