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3 Venice Tutor Jobs Found
Darin G
Venice, Florida
Active over a week ago
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10th grade Kevin needs help with algebra 2
Susab and Darin parents
Venice high school student getting low grade in algebra 2. Needs some help understanding the work. We live in North Venice just off 41. Hour...
Venice high school student getting low grade in algebra 2. Needs some help understanding the work. We live in North Venice just off 41. Hour long lesson once or twice a week. We are flexible with schedule, he gets home 2:45 PM.
Molly A
Venice, Florida
Active over a week ago
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3D Printing Tutor Needed
I am searching for someone who is knowledgeable in 3D printing as we need to be taught how to use our new 3D printer. It is a solidoodle ser...
I am searching for someone who is knowledgeable in 3D printing as we need to be taught how to use our new 3D printer. It is a solidoodle series and we have plenty of filament for lots of practing. Willing to pay top dollar for the right tutor..
Please call or text Angela at 941-254-...
Amy S
Venice, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Math Tutor Needed
I am looking for a reasonably priced math tutor for my 14 year old daughter. Preferably on the isle of Venice.
I am looking for a reasonably priced math tutor for my 14 year old daughter. Preferably on the isle of Venice.
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