Hire a Tutor in Crystal Lake, Illinois
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3 Crystal Lake Tutors Found
Jaden A
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Recently started
Pre-highschool students!
I’m currently an a junior in high school and taking classes at the local college, I’m looking for primarily to tutor in math!
I’m currently an a junior in high school and taking classes at the local college, I’m looking for primarily to tutor in math!
Jenna A
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
A Montessori hands-on learning approach works best to help students learn.
I am seeking to tutor children preschool through high school. I am a writer myself and freelance copyeditor in addition to being formally tr...
I am seeking to tutor children preschool through high school. I am a writer myself and freelance copyeditor in addition to being formally trained in Montessori early childhood education through 1st grade, plus have additional experience in Montessori elementary education. I own the hands on Montessori materials used for math and english for preschool and elementary students.
Abigail C
Crystal Lake, Illinois
Active over a week ago
From 55.00/hour
High School Spanish Teacher
My name is Abigail and I am a Spanish Teacher in Crystal Lake. I am hoping to tutor a few students outside of school. I have a ver...
My name is Abigail and I am a Spanish Teacher in Crystal Lake. I am hoping to tutor a few students outside of school. I have a very flexible schedule and am more than happy to work around sports/extra curricular activities and can meet on short notice as well.
I would be happy to set up regularly scheduled lessons or just a few here and there for test prep. I'm...
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